Visiting Malawi and Mozambique congregations

Terry Nelson sent the following report and photographs related to his February-March 2020 trip to Africa:

Hi Dr Thiel, just sent rest of pictures of Malawi congregations; and Mozambique congregations; on Thursday the 27th we visited the Sunuzi congregation in Malawi. They have a very nice hall here constructed of brick, also a cement sign post stating the church name and address; very good indeed; when we pulled in, the women greeted us with singing and throwing flower petals; very excited to see us.   It was a good service, I talked about tithing and our difference from the Protestants and other topics; afterwards we fellowshipped and took pictures and handed out fruit and candy to the children; a very good visit.

On Friday the 28th, we began our journey to Mozambique, this was a long slow trip over dangerous roads, going slow and careful, covering about 40 miles in 3 hours.  We went through the boarder without problems and met the Chief of the Area and her husband,. Evans knows them well and is very well liked by them; they were excited we were bringing the Gospel to there area, and showed us great kindness; they have a very good hall here also.  It started raining heavy, hitting the tin roof, making hearing difficult; I prayed it would stop soon and it did; I said God provided us with a cooling breeze after the rain, I also talked about the blessings of obeying God and Tithing and also talked about the new books and our difference from the Protestants; it was well received,. Afterwards we fellowshipped and took pictures and ate a fine chicken dinner at the Chiefs house:

On the Sabbath of the 29th, we visited our final congregation in Malawi. The Migowi congregation.  They recently finished building a very nice large hall, they are almost done, but need to have a cement floor finished to provide structural stability in case of heavy rain and wind. It also has a added on room and office in the back, This hall is fitted all electrically; very nice. This was the last time I spoke for the African visit,.  I also spoke on the importance of tithing and obeying God and talked about the new books and went into length about our great difference from the Protestants, afterwards we fellowshipped and took pictures; we left Malawi on the 1st, and our now awaiting our flight tomorrow, the 3rd, for departure to the US,; my trip here was very good, I and my sons enjoyed it immensely,. God is definitely opening up a greater work down here and I want to be part of it, and do what I can to help, we plan on coming again for the Feast and encourage our US brethren to attend; you all will love it here also; signing out now. God bless you all.

Terry Nelson and Sons

Sunuzi, Malawi congregants

Scene in Mozambique

Mozambique congregants

Andre and Asher Nelson in Migowi, Malawi

While everyone may not love visiting Africa, overall, the Nelsons’ visits to the congregations seemed to have gone well.

Evangelist Evans Ochieng sent in the following report:

Greetings from Kenya.
Let me thank GOD for a wonderful work and safe journey He has surrendered to us throughout out trip both in Kenya and Malawi.  The visitation was well done and brethren were really happy with Terry and his two sons.  Terry’s family are good men. People really enjoyed the messages of Terry Nelson.  Mostly he was attaching more messages in the three books he carried and he was given a good explanations.  The work was excellent.  I hope Terry will share with you a lot when he come back.  We only got some little problems at the two airports but we sorted out.  Brethren tried to explain to Terry Nelson some difficulties and challenges in Kenya and Malawi and Mozambique.More you will discuss with him.
He also discussed with people about what can generate income for the brethren in order to eradicate poverty and hunger. So many people were very happy with the plans  he gave.  And I hope if it goes through then it will help a lot to the brethren.  He also provided food to Nyakach brethren who are always suffering. Terry is a fine man. I appreciate his behaviour, speeches and actions.
Since Malawi is sometimes going without rain in some seasons we discussed with them how they can be assisted to get their daily food.  We came to a conclusion that if we buy for them two generators for irrigation system can help them a lot. Terry also promised people in Malawi and Mozambique that he will give them poultry farming support to help them. Same to Kenya.  His vision is good and it will help the congregations heavily. The trip was long and it consumed a lot of money otherwise it was safe and fruitful.

Terry Nelson send the following email early Thursday morning. March 5, 2020 from Minnesota:

Hi Dr Thiel, made it back to Duluth around 11pm last night; … Terry

Glad that he and his sons made it safely back. Thanks for all your prayers.

We are trying to see how to better serve people in Malawi and Mozambique. While these ‘missionary’ visits to ‘feed the flock’ were part of that, more needs to be done and Evangelist Ochieng is hoping to visit them again in the Spring. And Terry Nelson is hoping to go to Africa again in the Fall for the Feast of Tabernacles.