2023 Feast of Tabernacles in Africa

We hope that you had a spiritually uplifting Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day.

On Monday, we received another 29 translations of our English language booklet The Gospel of the Kingdom of God – the number of languages we have our Gospel booklet in continues to grow to over 800 as we take steps aligning with prophecies such as shown in Matthew 24:14 and Revelation 7:9.

From the Rift Valley of Kenya, Pastor Tiongik Sawek sent the following Feast of Tabernacles report:

Receive greetings in Jesus Christ here from Rift Valley Kenya. We were blessed abundantly during the Feast of Tabernacles. I also receive reports from various regions concerning the Feast of Tabernacles where it went through successfully. In the Chilani area we managed to receive new visitors from the Maasai Region, … the event was full of blessings, the brethrens received the teachings and the questions received were answered correctly.
Also the Mau region got to have their Feast of Tabernacles well. I managed to get a few photos here.
May God bless you.
Pst. Sawek

Ezekiel Obamso Oanda also told me that the Feast went well in Kisii and sent the following photo:


From Malawi, Pastor Radson Mulozowa sent the following report:

Greetings from Malawi and Mozambique

We had a wonderful feast both Malawi and Mozambique and it was very successful
Brethren eat well and we enjoyed
This year we had more brethren coming to the feast compared to last year
Thanks for the support.
May God bless you

Also, we received reports from a former CCOG in Malawi who still considers his group as part of the CCOG–but we have not accepted them back at this time–the same also basically happened with another group in Kenya.

We received the following report from deacon Koang Deng from Ethiopia:

Dear Elders:

The Feasts celebration end peacefully yesterday.
Members of Ethiopia and South Sudan greet you and all saints for the grace of our God Almighty who calling us in this end time.
The number of the people participated in this Fall Holy Days are 60 including children.
May the peace of our loving God and our Savior Jesus Christ be with you forever Amen.
Koang Deng,
Gambella, Ethiopia

Evangelist Evans Ochieng sent the following report and photo:

Photo from site in Got Kachola

Pastor Dr Bob,

Greetings from Kenya.
The feast in Kenya was very good and successful. I’ve received good massages from all the sites in Kenya today. I was waiting to hear from all the sites. Most of them are saying that the feast was very happy. Same to Got Kachola. The feast was very enjoyable. The number was very high. We had 350 people including children. And at the feast, we baptist 10 people.
Here are the names:-
1- Millicent Awuor Oduogo
2- Joseph Omollo
3- Elvis Otieno Omollo
4- Joice Lavuna
5- Mary Akinyi Jack
6- Victor Ochieng Otieno
7- Nicholas Ochieng Okongo
8- Dorothy Odhiambo Ochieng
9-  Linet Charles
10- Eunice Achieng moi
I also received message from kisii that the feast went well. Also some people came from hope of Israel worldwide church of God and join our congregation in kisii lead by Ezekiel Oanda.
The number in kisii was higher. The number was 420. The number in Daktech was 65, The number in Mau was 85, the number number in chilani was 205, the number in Bomet was 108, the number in Tanzania was 20 meaning the church is growing in Tanzania. The number in Njoro was 400 and the number in Molo was 75. This is how I recieved the massages from all sites in Kenya …
We are happy that the feast was well done even the rain didn’t fall that could bring problems at the feast.

Generally, the Feast of Tabernacles went well at most sites, though there were health and other challenges in Canada as well as other issues with DRC and Rwanda.