Youth Camps in Kenya
Youth Camp
CCOG evangelist Evans Ochieng sent the following reports and photos about our Youth Camps:
December 28, 2021
Pastor Dr Bob,
Greetings from Kenya.I have received reports from all YOUTH Camps in Kenya that the youth camp in December 2021 went very well. I recieved a very good report from kisii that youth camp was fantastic. But camp at Ndhiwa was wonderful. The youths were very happy and the way they handled the camp this year was quite different. We gave them one full day for their discussion amongst themselves. We noticed that the youths can have a high understanding and true discipline when they get together and teach one another. We saw some good response towards the youth camp. The youths were very happy and some of them wanted me to extend the camp for another week. I was with two deacons who came to teach the youths. Granton Otieno and Kennedy Odhiambo from Oyugis. They gave powerful massages to the youths. I touch a lot from the books of dating by Dr Bob. This book is a very good book for youths above 18 years old. It touches a lot that can help youths to understand about dating and courtship.The youths from Mbani and Oriang didn’t not attend because of the burial of one of the youths who was in university.This time we had 122 youths who attended the camp at Ndhiwa. Ezekiel Oanda also reported that they had many youths in Kisii. I also received a report from {Pastor} Sawek that the youths were so many in Chilani from Kaplecho, Daktech, motosiet and Chilani. Some came from junction congregation where we supplied cement.I also recieved a report from Njoro that there was a funeral. A woman who have been in the CHURCH OF GOD for more than 30 years died a day to the opening date of YOUTH CAMP. So they postponed their youth camp till next week. The report was given by David Cheryot. So they will have camp by next week after burial.What have noticed that the youth camp is very important and it’s really helping youths for their future life.Here are some photos from NdhiwaEvans.
It is great that the camps held went well, despite certain deaths.
In the end time, we are to work to, “turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6). Youth camps are just one way to help do that.