Trip to Malawi and updates on Mozambique and Zambia

CCOG Evangelist Evans Ochieng was able to visit Malawi this month.

Radson Mulozowa sent the following from Malawi April 20, 2018:

Greetings Pastor Bob.
Thanks for the magazines which will help the work and the visit of pastor Evans. The attached is the picture’s for today’s leaders meeting.  I will give you more reports.
Best Regards,
Radson Mulozowa

Evangelist Evans Ochieng sent the following report from Malawi on April 25, 2018:

Pastor Dr Bob
Greetings from Malawi.
I arrived Malawi safe and the trip was good. the weather was good.
On Friday I had leaders meeting . The meeting was very good. I met with all leaders from Malawi and Mozambique, I touched major issues concerning the work in Continuing Church of God and about the congregational leadership, satanic deception and his ministry, counterfeit Christians and the shepherding of God’s people.
The brethren were very keen to understand every topic and good notes were taken.
On Sabbath we kept Sabbath in Migowi. I wanted to hear from the leaders what they are teaching so I gave one of them to give sermon late. I want to tell you that the work in Malawi moving on well.
Today I visited 3 congregations in Malawi Namely. Ngunda with 24 members, Funuzi with 95 members and Namangale with 18 members. I want also to inform you that Hosea is back in CCOG. We discussed with him yesterday night for more that 2 hours. He said that nowhere he can get the truth which is in CCOG {Continuing Church of God}
The problem I find here pastor is that, these people are rich in truth but very poor. I visited 3 homes when I was going round. I found no chair, no mattress, and very little food. When we reach in these homes, the chair that they could give me to sit on, is the mat which they sleep on. I will send you the pictures. It was very sad and painful. But I was very happy in one way that they are rich in faith.
I will go to Mozambique tomorrow early in the morning to visit all the congregations there, And I will give you the report when I am back in Malawi. I am here till Wednesday … I want visit every congregation.

There is tremendous poverty in Malawi and it is one of the world’s poorest nations. We sent funds to aid the brethren there twice this month (cf. Galatians 6:10; James 2:15-18).

Evangelist Evans Ochieng sent in the following report on April 27th:

Pastor Dr Bob,

My trip in both Malawi was better than how I was expecting it to be.

I visited 5 congratulations in Malawi -namely -Migowi, Ngunda, Funuzi, paloni and Namangale. The Faith that I found in Malawi was smart. Mostly to brethren in Funuzi and Paloni. In Paloni, the Continuing Church of God is the first church to teach and keep Sabbath in that location. They have been in a big problem from those who keep Sunday who judge them as rebels. Throughout such difficulties and greater disasters they got because of serious flood, they still keep their Faith strong enough and continue to be honest before God.

The flood affected the people living in Paloni that their homes were destroyed and all people migrated to various locations. Their farms were flooded. They remained with nothing. And on top of these sufferings, they still keep their Faith strong. These brethren need more support.
It was a difficult day when I made my trip to Mozambique.  Even though the brethren in Mozambique prepared for me many trips and meetings in that country, I couldn’t manage to enter into that land. I found it difficult not like previous days when I was entering without any problem. This time the guard at the border of Malawi and Mozambique denied to release permit. They claim that some people from Tanzania cause problems in Mozambique and they were pretending to be Christians. I hope it was just the work of Satan to stop every work that was to be done in Mozambique. We were forced to go back to Malawi on the same day. There is a plan of going back to Mozambique before the feast of Tabernacles 2018. It was very painful to our brethren in Mozambique according to the plans that failed on that day. So it will force me to squeeze my time before the Feast of Tabernacles 2018 to go and finish the work there. It was painful to our brethren in Mozambique when the guard stopped us not to enter in Mozambique. It was the work of Satan to stop every work that was to be done in Mozambique.
I was happy to meet our representative in Zambia who shared his good plans for the work in Zambia with me. Justine Gonakumoto has started translation of continuing church of God books and magazines into two languages, chechewa and Bemba. Zambians are speaking three languages mostly. Chechewa,English and Bemba. It will help the people from southern part and western part of Zambia to learn more about the truth.
He is also in a process of register the church in Malawi. So many have learnedthe truth from him that he has extended his programmes to Democratic republic of Congo.
We came to agreement that I will visit Zambia before feast of Tabenacles 2018.
The leaders meeting added a lot in God’s work. I noticed that meeting will promote the gospel in Malawi and Mozambique. We plan to have another conference of leaders.
Thank you very much for the great support you have been sending to our brethren in Malawi and Mozambique.
It has shown a real love in the midst of the brethren and has promote the gospel in Malawi and Mozambique. May God bless you highly and the brethren who have contributed.

It was disappointing that Evangelist Ochieng was unable to go to Mozambique.

Wedson Matiya

After getting this, I mentioned to Evangelist Ochieng that I had been praying for our the leader there, Wedson Matiya, as he had serious health issues. He sent me the following email:

I was with Matiya in the leader’s meeting and your prayers are answered. Matiya is doing well. He was healed. We thank God for quick healing.

In the meeting were 8 men from Mozambique.


It feels great when prayers are answered so directly. Please pray for our brethren in Mozambique and around the world.