More 2017 Feast of Tabernacles’ Reports
Including the Last Great Day, the Feast of Tabernacles ran from sunset October 4th through sunset October 12th in 2017.
We already reported about some of the sites in Africa (see Preliminary Feast of Tabernacles’ Reports).
More reports are in this post.
Here is some information about the Feast of Tabernacle in Malawi from Radson Mulozowa:
Greetings Pastor Bob. We Thank Almighty God For Having Granted Us A
Chance To Keep The Feast Of Tabernacle In Malawi.We Had A Wonderful
Feast I Believe Grantone Will Report. Brother Grantone Was Our Guest
And Has Given Us The Real Truth About The Kingdom. We Were Able To
Learn More Concerning The Truth Of The Bible. Among Other Topics He
Was Able To Deliver Was: Baptism, Passover, Real Repentance,
Resurrection, New Heaven And Earth To Mention Few.We Had 102 Brethren
From Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique Who Attended The Feast. We Thank You
For Both Physical And Spiritual Support That You Offered To Us For The
Success Of Our Being In The Feast From The First Day To The Last
Day.We Had Chiefs Who Attended. I Failed To Send Report Early Because
Of Poor Internet Network On My Phone. I Will Send Pictures When I Go To
Blantyre. May God Bless You
This is the first time we have had any from Zambia attend.
We were sent 24 photographs from Malawi. Here are two that Grantone Otieno sent:
We were supposed to have some last year in Mozambique, and this may be the first year any from Mozambique actually attended a CCOG Feast of Tabernacles’ site. Since many of those in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia are relatively new to the Church of God, we had Grantone Mangiana Otieno, who is a CCOG host for Migori, Kenya, go to this site in Malawi to teach and assist. Grantone Otieno has been with the CCOG since 2014 (as I met him back then in Kenya) and sent in the following report:
Dear. Pst. Bob.It is my privilege and joyous moment to share with about my trip to Malawi to lead, teach and preach our brethren over there how to conduct the FEAST OF TABERNACLE under CCOG.Brothers from both Malawi and Mozambique wee able at the feast site as early as possible. We also had a representative from Zambia. So we had a total of 100 including children.Since it was their first time to keep the Feast of Tabernacles as they claimed, it forced me to participate in giving all sermonettes and sermons to give them appropriate time to learn more. I was able to tackle as many topics as I could in accordance to the true teaching of the bible as proclaimed by CCOG under leadership of Dr. Bob Thiel as a minister and Overseer.After teaching and preaching, many from both Malawi and Mozambique were in need of baptism, since I had also covered the topics stressing of true repentance and true baptism, but explained to them to wait while continuing learning to prepare … to be able to be baptized ….later so that they may not left out to partake Lordsupper/Passover as it is the first step in God’s plan of salvation to all mankind.We had our representative Mr.Justine Gonakumoto from Zambia who was also seek to be visited because it was not possible for the members over there to travel to Malawi since they didn’t have the relevant documents. The following are some photos I could be able to take.Yours in God’s gMr. Grantone Otieno.
So, this was a good development for those nations.
From Mozambique, Wedson Matiya sent the following email:
Thanks Pastor Bob For The Funds You Send Which Assisted Us To Go Go
To Malawi And Attend The Feast.We Have Learned Alot From Grantone.We
Thank God For The Wisdom That God Is Giving Our Leader Radson In
Cordinating The Work In Malawi, Mozambique And Zambia In The Way That
He Is Able To Visit Us Frequently When We Need Him.The Feast Was Well
Organised In Everything.We Have Requested Mulozowa To Visit Us So That
He Can Teach Those Who Faiied Due To Travelling Document, Your Son.
From Ghana, Samuel Ofosu Gyeabour sent in the following report:
Greetings from Ghana to Dr. Bob and brethren in Christ of the faith once delivered. We give thanks and praises to the Almighty God for His immense guidance over the church during the Feast of Tabernacles held this year. This year’s feast was a successful one irrespective of the frustration and hardship we encountered. Your support through the grace of God made the feast a reality, may the good Lord translate your endeavours into reality.
With regards to your vision to bring Africa to the light, it promoted us to have a theme”OVERCOMING THE POWER OF DECEPTION” the reason for this theme was, deception is leading some ‘Christian’ people to the wrong path. And its our duty as children of God to enlighten them to know the truth.
During the feast, we had a health talk,that gave us an insight with regards to the recent attitude of people,and it improved in our healthy living was our utmost wish for our theme for the feast to have a positive impact in our Christian lives. Finally i will like to apologise for the late report of the feast, I say sorry for the inconveniences if any.
I once again say we appreciate and respect your offers in the vineyard. May the God who keeps us from falling continue to be with us all. Amen.Best regards
Pastor Samuel
Samuel Ofosu Gyeabour
Between this week and last, it appears we have received reports on nearly all of our sites for 2017.
In most areas, the Feast of Tabernacles went quite well this year.
We may have sites in additional countries next year.
The locations for 2018 are intended to be announced at the link: Feast of Tabernacles’ Sites for 2018.