Evangelist Evans Ochieng’s visit to Malawi, along with growth in Mozambique
Malawi Visit Campaign
Pastor Radson Mulozowa sent the following photos and report about evangelist Evans Ochieng’s and his visit to Sunuzi, Malawi:
Evans Ochieng, Radson Mulozowa and others in Sunuzi
Greetings from Malawi
Today we kept sabbath with brethren from sunuzi and it was a wonderful day loaded with blessingsPastor Evans talked about the beliefs of continuing church of God, divorce, how to keep holy Sabbath , we are called for a special purposeDuring his visit we are seeing a great changeThis evening we were able to meet the backslider and after talking with them they have turned to the truth and they have come back to the churchBest regardsRadson
Evangelist Ochieng sent the following related report (and the last picture above, so I did not repeat it here):
Pastor Dr Bob,
Greetings from Malawi.I’ve been sending letters and there is no network for the last 5 days. I was in Jenjete on Wednesday last week after that I met Chiringa congregations on Friday and in the evening I was on a visitation tour. I met Blessings and we took almost 6 hours talking. Blessings is back in the church with wasi whom I met at molozwa’s home. They are very happy and on Sabbath we were together with them in Sunuzi where I kept Sabbath.Yesterday after services I met with sayenda and Abakhole who were in the church before and left. My visitation in Malawi is very successful. Only sayenda who went back to pastor church of Christ who are keeping Sunday. I will have more baptism this week. I will do baptism in migowi and cheleka then lastly I will do baptism in SALIMA.Today the weather is good and for the last five days it was very poor cold. I have a photo with The teacher Blessings and wasi. Below is the pictureEvans.
Here are reports about a visit to another congregation in Malawi:
Pastor Dr Bob,
Greetings from Malawi.I met kachingwa congregation today. The meeting was very good. They have already build a hall and molozwa provided the iron sheets. They were only wanted round poles for roofing. I need that to be finished when I’m still here. This are good people. Tomorrow I’ll have leaders meeting in migowi.Evans.
Dear Dr Bob
Greetings from Malawi churchWe are all fine by the grace of GodToday we had a visit to kachingwe congregation and it was a wonderful trip loaded with blessings and the brethren were so happy to receive the messagePastor let me report that the coming of pastor Evans to Malawi has brought renewal in all congregationTomorrow we are meeting all the leaders at migowi both Malawi and MozambiqueBest regardsRadson
Here is another report:
Greetings from Malawi
Today we had a leader meeting both Malawi and Mozambique at our church Hall in migowi. The meeting went well and after the meeting am having call everywhere about itPastor Evans talked much on leadership and it’s qualities from the book of Timothy and Titus.Every leader come to the meeting with his wifePastor there is a big growth in the work of GodTomorrow we going to chileka for baptismPastor Dr Bob let me make a correction that the time a send the membership for Malawi and Mozambique I just counted adults only so pastor Evans told me to calculate together with youth and children.Now three {more} congregation has been born in Mozambique , Mkwamba.The total membership has reached to {almost} 3000We thank God for your prayers and help and God is many door for the gospel and I will never neglect any doorBest regardsRadson
Please continue to pray for the success of this trip. God has been calling many (cf. John 6:44). Relatively few of those in Malawi or Mozambique have a Church of God background, and I would tend to categorize many of them as congregants as we do not consider unbaptized people, including children, as members per se (though when people speak of church membership, total congregants is what they really mean).
I asked for more details about the congregations, growth and leaders in Malawi and Mozambique after getting the last report above, and late today received the following:
I. Chiringa John nkhuleme 54
2. Liwonde. Rojasi sambandele. 393. Chileka. John muhunya. 1644. Mulanje. Paul jekete. 595. Sunuzi. Louis wahela. 836. Njenjete. Luka likhuva. 1297. Mwanza. John. Machemba 1658. Bowoko. James Longford. 929. Salima. Yohane chiomba. 8610. Tulonkhondo. Andrew kaliwo. 15411. Kachingwe. Paul khacha. 8512. Migowi. Moses chiphangwi 7513. Phaloni. John makwera. 7014. Willie. Paul limited. 9015 muluwese. Juwaki labson. 56MOZAMBIQUE16. Nasiyaya. Wyson Jackson. 18417. Nagaga. Deacon rabson. 7318. Miseu 4. Frank chikometsa 8219. Domasi. Maxwell macheso. 6920. Nakhombe. 10221.milanje. Ezack villa. 11222. Mkwamba Moses Thupilonse 14723. Muguliwa stephani shoti 13524 .mukhulumba Steven nyalapa 10525. Ngalawa James faduweck 10026. Muluwese. Juwaki ALifonso 5627. Mikanyela 205 this congregation was once under seventh day Adventist church before joining ccog and it is being host Moses Thupilonse of MkwambaPastor let me report that since the time pastor Evans come to Malawi and appointed Deacon James,. Wahela and machemba the work of God has moved faster and still God is opening more doors.Dr Bob let me say that there is a great need for the brethren to pray so that these places can be visit especially in Mozambique before the feast of Tabernacle and encourage the brethrenToday we visited chileka for baptism and it was a wonderful trip though the road was very badBest regardsPastor radson
This a fantastic growth.
Gentiles are being reached.