Radson Mulozoa’s report on Malawi. Mozambique, and Zambia

CCOG Malawi-based host Radson Mulozowa (who assists in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia) sent the following report:



  1. MIGOWI:  78
  2. PHALONI: 28
  3. NAKHUNI:  25
  4. SUNUZI: 106
  5. MATEKETA:  70
  6. ZOMBA:  33
  7. CHIRINGA:  48
  8. NAKHOMBE: 8
  9. NJENJETE:  131
  10. WILLIE: 21
  11. MUKWAMBA :     65
  12. GUNDA ;    17


  1. CHINDOLA :  30
  2. THUNDU: 28
  3. KHWALIVO: 13
  4. INDIA:  24
  5. CHUNGUZI :  7
  6. MICHOLO:  172
  7. DOMASI: 60
  8. MUKHULUMBA :  32


KITWE:  15


  1. Pray for {a Mozambique leader’s} wife is sick the doctor find her with high blood pressure ,sugar and Hiv/aids diseases.
  2. One elderly person brother Pasiya in Mozambique is battling with his life after the house fallen on him in the night when he was sleeping .this happen due to heavy rainfall. We went there to see him with my wife and I assisted him with funds.
  3. There is much heavy rainfall from 1 December 2018 until now and it is raining daily which has resulted in the falling down of the following  church building structures :

1.Willie 2. Domasi . 3. Njenjete . 4. Gunda . 5. Chiringa. Pray for me as am trying to building temporary structure so that brethren will have access to church service

  1. In Migowi the houses of two brethren has fallen down and I have told them to transfer to my house since they don’t have a place to stay .
  2. There is flash floods in Mozambique and our brethren from Mkwamba and other places are in that problem .These floods water have destroyed and swept away hectors of maize including houses. Some brethren are developing sickness like malaria, cholera ,dysentery and diarrhea. The life of brethren is in jeopardy.
  3. I received a report from … about his letter he wrote to you requesting funds and you told him to refer to me about his concern. … you can direct us what to do then because I haven’t answered  him anything.
  4. Pray for us as we are passing tough times this season of the year with much rainfall.
  5. Let me thank God for healing my leg, I have recovered and thanks for your prayers.
  6. As you advised me to discuss with Evans I did. Has he reported to  you.
  7. Let me remind you about Chichewa songbook .

Pray for me am leaving for Mozambique this evening to visit brethren who are in problems.

Best Regards,


Radson Enock Mulozowa

This is massive growth from where we began in Malawi and Mozambique (plus it is great there are also now some in Zambia).

We are trying to figure out how to best assist those in Malawi and Mozambique (and Zambia). Nearly all are fairly new to the CCOG and do not have a Church of God background. We are trying to figure out how to best assist them physically as well as spiritually.

To be sure that they have proper understanding on many matters, we are trying to get more materials translated into Chichewa–but this will take time. But we were able to get scores of them Bibles in Chichewa last year (see Letter to the Brethren: November 15, 2018).

Furthermore, because of the switch from CreateSpace to KindleDirect, to KindleDirect informing us they will not print materials in African or Asian languages, we have not been able to print songbooks for them as we originally hoped. So, we are looking into printing them in Kenya or Malawi.

Evangelist Evans Ochieng is planning on going to Malawi (and possibly Mozambique) to better assess the needs and situation there in either February or March (originally he had hoped for this month).

In the meantime, we also sent some herbal digestive support products to the East Coast to be included with the next shipment of laptop computers to Kenya. Our hope is that on some trip that Evangelist Ochieng goes to Malawi (or elsewhere) he may also be able to assist with some of their health needs. While we realize that this will take quite a long time to arrive for them, it seems wise to get the process going to have some over there to assist people, if not now, later.

Such items were helpful for people the two times I was in Kenya and may be able to help some in Malawi and other parts of Africa.